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 Contact us at 256-520-1925

Privacy Policy

I, Kaiia Terrell Watts Norville Brown, who speaks for this entire foundation, shall not misuse your address for any abusive and/or illegal reason. I also shall not send spam to your email account and phone. I shall not conspire against the customers that has given me their personal information for purchase use. I also shall not share your information outside of the Jaguar Mall foundation. I shall not delay sending of your purchased items and it shall take no more than one month to receive it. If you don't contact me with the contact information above. I shall not accept money from those who purchases sold out books before I purchase more of the title. I work with PayPal and will use their privacy policy as my own. Again, this is Kaiia Terrell Watts Norville Brown and you can use this against my will in court if it ever comes the time you have to.

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